Advise a Student Club
What do improv and hammocks have in common? Not much, really, except that they are two out of the roughly 400 clubs and organizations at OSU. From water polo to philosophy, or amateur radio to aeronautics, there are many ways to connect with students.
Take Wanda Crannell, for example. Wanda is the faculty advisor to two student organizations on campus — MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences) and SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science). Wanda, who has advised MANRRS for 16 years and SACNAS for seven years, says that the favorite part of her role is getting to know the students and “watching our students grow, graduate and become successful,” both in and out of the classroom.
“We are very proud of our 94% graduation rates for our chapter members,” she said. From leading workshops on resume building and research skills to empowering students to do the same for their peers, Wanda is delighted when students learn from each other to be better employees and future supervisors and leaders.
Want to advise a student organization? Find a sponsored or voluntary club that interests you and reach out to see if the members are looking for an advisor.