The Division of Student Affairs offers a variety of meetings and events to contribute to employment development and growth. Listed below are the primary offerings provided to division staff.

Topic Specific Trainings

Topical trainings offered by content experts prepare division employees to be effective responders, supporters and allies. Areas of focus will be response and referral strategies for students in crisis; public safety response, including compliance with federal laws related to campus health and safety; expanded awareness of implicit biases that impact student well-being; and self-care for professionals.

All-Division Meetings

All-Division Meetings are held once per term and are intended for all student affairs employees at OSU. Content of meetings varies but programming is designed to appeal to the division as a whole. The meetings allow employees to connect with one another and learn about division updates, and they often give employees an opportunity to provide feedback on the direction of division initiatives. 

Student Affairs New Employee Welcome and Orientation

Orientations are are held twice per year (fall and spring). Employees new to student affairs within the last year are encouraged to attend, even if not new to OSU. The meetings are hosted by the vice provost for student affairs and the dean of student life. Participants learn about the priorities and vision for the Division of Student Affairs at OSU, while engaging with other new colleagues. 

Staff Development Day

Staff Development Day is an annual event for all classified staff across the Division of Student Affairs. The purpose of the day is to provide participants with a variety of experiences that provide an opportunity for professional growth, to apply the learning to their daily work responsibilities, and enhance their knowledge of the OSU mission and services to the people of Oregon. Participants have the option to invite a supervisor, co-worker or someone with whom they would like to build or strengthen a professional relationship. The day connects frontline workers within the division, spanning departmental and university lines, and across positional and job responsibilities.

2024-2025 Division Meetings and Events

Fall All-Division Meeting

Oct. 17, 2024 | 9 to 11 a.m.
Location TBD

New Employee Orientation

Nov. 12, 2024 | 8:30 to 11 a.m.
Willamette Room, CH2M HILL Alumni Center

Winter All-Division Meeting

Feb. 6, 2025 | 9 to 11 a.m.
Memorial Union Ballroom

New Employee Orientation

April 10, 2025 | 8:30-11 a.m.
Willamette Room, CH2M HILL Alumni Center

Spring All-Division Meeting

May 13, 2025 | 2 to 4:30 p.m.
Memorial Union Ballroom