Career Development Center: The Career Development Center provides comprehensive professional development to all OSU students through numerous services, including presentations, workshops and appointments; the quarterly Career Expo, which brings employers to campus from a variety of disciplines; and Handshake, a networked platform that connects students with employers and thousands of job and internship opportunities.
Communications & Marketing: In addition to supporting the marketing needs of the vice provost for student affairs and departments within the division, this office collaborates with division and campus partners on strategic communications to engage students in Oregon State University programs and to share stories about the OSU student experience.
Counseling & Psychological Services: Counseling & Psychological Services provides mental health counseling to students, plus consultation, outreach and education to all OSU community members.
Dean of Students: The Office of the Dean of Students helps students build community, facilitates their access to OSU, assists them in navigating resources and supports their empowerment. These units — including the Academic Success Center, Academics for Student Athletes, ASOSU Advising, ASOSU Office of Advocacy, ASOSU SafeRide, Basic Needs Center, Center for Fraternity & Sorority Life, Cross-Campus Strategic Initiatives, Disability Access Services, Military & Veteran Resources, Office of Student Orientation, Student Care, Student Conduct & Community Standards, the University Exploratory Studies Program and the Writing Center — work to expand and equalize student success and increase retention and support for underrepresented students. We are here to help when life happens and are honored to serve OSU students!
Educational Opportunities Program: The Educational Opportunities Program supports the personal and academic development of students who have traditionally been denied equal access to higher education including, but not limited to, students of color, low-income students, first-generation in college and undocumented or DACAmented students.
Family Resource Center: The Family Resource Center provides a welcoming place for families to spend time with their children. The center advocates for and supports student, faculty and staff families, with a focus on quality early education and children’s care centers, lactation support and financial assistance.
International Services: The Office of International Services provides services to approximately 4,000 international students and their families from over 95 countries, and is a central campus resource for hosting international visitors and/or hiring international employees, advising international scholars and faculty on visa and immigration issues, and providing resources to faculty and staff preparing to travel on behalf of OSU.
Memorial Union: The Memorial Union enhances the student experience and cultivates an enduring connection to the institution. We support the OSU community by offering event spaces, dining options, bowling and other recreational activities as well as services such as the ID Center, a Printing and Mailing Services location and ATM machines.
Recreational Sports: The Department of Recreational Sports provides an extensive and diverse list of sport, fitness and adventure opportunities to serve the varied recreation preferences and interests of the campus community. More than 400 student employees help manage and run these programs and facilities that welcome an average of 4,100 visitors each day.
Student Access & Enrichment Programs: Student Access & Enrichment Programs, which includes the College Assistance Migrant Program, TRIO Student Support Services and the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, supports the development and persistance of underrepresented students in undergraduate education.
Student Affairs Assessment: This office is responsible for the leadership and coordination of research, assessment and efforts across the Division of Student Affairs.
Student Experiences & Engagement: Student Experiences & Engagement is an umbrella organization that creates alignment among the student engagement opportunities offered by the division. SEE — Community Engagement & Leadership, the Craft Center, Diversity & Cultural Engagement and Experiential Learning & Activities — provides a broad range of programming that contributes to student development, including cultural nights, community service activities and student media opportunities.
Student Health Services: Student Health Services leads campus health and wellness efforts with the goal to create safe and supportive campus environments and enhance student success through student-centered care. SHS’s team of highly-qualified and compassionate professionals educates, empowers, and cares for students, while building skills and capacities for lifelong health and well-being.
University Housing & Dining Services: University Housing & Dining Services offers on-campus residents a connection from the moment they arrive to campus. UHDS facilities include 15 residence halls, three dining centers, an on-campus grocery store and one family housing complex, providing students with connections to residential staff, academic support services, healthy dining options and leadership opportunities right where they live.
Vice Provost for Student Affairs: The Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs provides centralized support and strategic guidance to the more than 30 departments that encompass the division. The vice provost provides oversight to the co-curricular student experience at Oregon State University as well as serving as a university leader contributing to student success strategies and initiatives across campus.
Youth Safety & Compliance: The Office of Youth Safety & Compliance oversees youth policies and guidelines and ensures accurate accounting of the youth participating in OSU programs. Safety processes and the compliance structure focus on the protection of minors, who are not enrolled in OSU classes, but participate in OSU youth programs on and off campus.