A Network of Care
Oregon State is fortunate to have many subject-matter experts who provide prevention and education, investigation and compliance, advocacy and referral services.
Services include confidential survivor advocacy, primary prevention of interpersonal and gender-based violence, education and outreach provided by the Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Education (CAPE); medical care through Student Health Services (SHS); counseling and specialized trauma support provided by Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS); as well as many university resources provided by the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (EOA), Diversity & Cultural Engagement (DCE), OSU’s Student Care Team, the Office of Advocacy (within ASOSU), and the Department of Public Safety and the Corvallis campus Police Department, to name a few. Further, the OSU Assist program provides mental health crisis response.
Progress toward our shared vision also involves advanced learning and research from university academic partners, who are positioned to increase knowledge and understanding of trauma, oppression and marginalization and their impact on our community.
We believe you. We support you. We’re here to advocate alongside you.