Departmental Assessment


At the end of each term, departments in the Division of Student Affairs are asked to respond to a series of questions that are meant to be both a reflective planning exercise, as well as a means to gather important information that is used for division-level planning. 

The term reports follow a sequence that mirrors the assessment cycle beginning with planning for the year in the summer term report, checking in on progress in the fall and winter term reports, and reflecting on findings in the spring term report, which feeds into the next cycle of summer planning. This process allows for additional inquiries related to ongoing divisional and university efforts to be woven in throughout the year, and for units to reflect on their assessment processes throughout the year. 

After each term report, the Student Affairs Research, Evaluation and Planning staff create a summary document which describes themes observed across the division in the responses to each question and denotes how the information is used.


Division of Student Affairs Annual Report to the Provost

Annually the Division of Student Affairs reports significant contributions to major university priorities.

Assessment Report Summaries

Student Affairs Research and Evaluation Annual Reports