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Culture Knowledge and Effectiveness

The Assessment Council created the Culture Knowledge and Effectiveness Rubric to guide student affairs departments as they develop and assess their diversity work. The council acknowledges that this topic is more complex than the content reflected in the rubric and becoming proficient in intercultural and intracultural knowledge and skills is a continuous and lifelong learning process.

Download the rubric


Expectations and Best Practices  

Although data does not have to be gathered every year to address each of the following questions, departments will be expected to gather data to address at least some of following questions on an annual basis.  Which questions departments attempt to answer should rotate from year to year so that all questions are eventually addressed.

1. Who uses our services?

All departments will implement a tracking system to determine who uses primary services (e.g., actual numbers, how often, age, gender, other demographics).

2. How satisfied are our users?

All departments will determine satisfaction of services by primary users.

3. What are the needs of our users?

All departments will implement a system of assessing needs of primary users.

4. What are our stakeholders' needs and how satisfied are they?

All departments will assess needs and satisfaction by secondary users/stakeholders, including employee satisfaction with the work environment.

5. In what ways do we contribute to the university?

All departments will assess ways in which their services/programs contribute to and/or add value to the University (e.g., retention, alignment with University mission, etc.)

6. What is our image in the eyes of our users?

All departments will implement a system to periodically assess the physical and cultural environment as it relates to positive perceptions by users (e.g., positive interactions with "front line" service personnel, structure of facility contributing to a welcoming environment, content of publications which embraces diverse populations, etc.)

7. What are the implications of the data we have gathered for our future planning?

All departments will establish a system of periodic review of assessment data, which can be linked to future programming, improvements, etc.

8. How will we facilitate continuing dialogue with the users of our services?

All departments will develop methods for giving appropriate feedback and informing users of assessment outcomes while identifying avenues for continuing dialogue.

9. How will we keep track of our assessment efforts over time?

All departments will develop a system to archive results for future reference.

Adopted by the Student Affairs Assessment Committee, Dec. 3, 1998